I started this project in Physical Computing class with Dr. Igoe, Tisch School of the Arts, NYU, Summer 2000 and continued work on it in a private study with Dr. Rowe, Music Technology Department, NYU, Fall 2000. -Elaine Walker

The Chaos Controller:

A Stand Alone Hardware MIDI Instrument

Schematic diagram
Basic Stamp software
Live Improvization (mp3)
Photos of Device
Photos of Circuit Board

    Since the early 90's I have been interested in making music with chaos theory, by generating organic sounding melodies with iterated mathematical equations.  1-rx^2 has been my equation of choice, for it's recurring recognizable melody sets.  I refer to the different phrases that result from these iterations as "melody sets" because of the fact that the varying melodies are basically recognizable as originating from a certain equation.  After experimenting for many hours, I can recognize the difference, musically, between 1-rx^2 and rx(1-x), etc.  Basically, what is happening here is that numbers (between -2 and 2, for example) are plugged into r and x, and the solution is fed back into x and then solved for x again, repeatedly.  Eerie, futuristic, yet organic sounding melodies result from this musical mathematical feedback loop.

    The variable x can be thought of as the "seed" value.  When new values for x are initiated, the melodies begin in a different manner, but always "settle" down into the same pattern (or tend to the same note), depending on the r value.  The r variable can be thought of as the "chaos" value.  The chaos value may have a bumpy curve.  In other words, raising and lowering the r value do change the amount of chaos, but not necessarilly in a linear fashion.  There may be "pockets" where, in the midst of chaos on either side, at one delicate point a certain r value, will result in a very stable and "consonant" melody.  I relate this loosely to the concept of "dissonance curves" in musical scales.  Intervalic dissonance has a bumpy curve, where playing consistantly larger intervals will repeatedly pass through cycles of consonant and dissonant intervals, in a very non linear fashion.  This I compare to the concept of continually raising the r value, going through areas of stability, and chaos in a non-linear fashion.

    Recently, I have tried expanding this whole idea into the complex domain, by the prompting of Dr. Edward Belbruno, chaos mathematician at Princeton, and had some extremely interesting reslults which I will return to at a later date as part of my thesis.  This semester I took a break from MAX, and any actual theoretical research on how to make music with chaos theory, in order to concentrate on producing a stand alone MIDI instrument for performing simple chaos music.  I stuck to real numbers this time around, avoiding the complex domain.  Next semester I will return to looking at the concept of making music with complex variables, and the feasibility of controlling two feedback loops simultaneously, and attempt to come to some sort of conclusion.  Either the results will be more musically satisfying, or perhaps I will decide that the melodies that result from the complex domain are just too chaotic (too complicated for rock-n-roll, so to speak).

    On a more basic level, I will continue my research on how chaos theory may or may not be considered an alternate type of music theory.  I have been imagining this concept for several years, and perhaps there is something to it.  Perhaps not.  It would involve too lengthy of an explanation to be justified in this short writeup, and will have to wait for my thesis, but it has something to do with consonance and dissonance of melody sets, rather than interavals and chords.  It makes sense in my head visually, and has for some time.  However, I will need to spend at least one more sememster attempting to make sense out of it on paper, and with further musical examples, before I think it will make sense to anyone else (and I fear this is being optomistic).

    The idea for the Chaos Controller emerged during the summer in a Physical Computing class.  While I learned to program the Basic Stamp, I realized that it would be possible to emmulate my MAX patch with an actual stand alone musical instrument to generate musical fractals, that would not need a separate computer.  During the summer I built a crude version of the Chaos Controller, which had only one light sensor out of six actually working, and no control over tempo or dynamics.  This Fall, I continued where I had left off, with my haphazard circuit layout, literally making the circuit up as I went along.  As the semester progressed, my circuit got to a level of complexity (not very complex, but complex enough) to justify starting fresh, with a well thought out schematic beforehand.

    This Fall, to get the Chaos Controller to it's current state, it has been a matter of learning some more BASIC programming, some C programming, becoming more electronics savvy, deciding upon the physical design and schematic layout for the actual instrument, and learning how in the world do to floating point math with only 16 bit positive integers.  All of these aspects were a challenge, but by far the most time was spent on the floating point math problem.  Looking back, it seems like the most simple of all of these, but it was a matter of grasping the concept, and then the syntax.  I have included exerpts from the PBasic and C programs to show the different steps I took in the learning process.  (PBasic is the language used to program the Basic Stamp microcontroller, which is very similar to BASIC.)

    Click here to view the schematic diagram - Additions and improvements to the circuit design over the old design include buffers to keep the high and low signals as close to +5v and 0v as possible.  The old circuit had the 3bit control signals from the two sliders going straight into the Stamp, and no buffers before the MIDI output.  It worked absolutely fine until I added a controller pedal with the rc-time circuit.  I suspected that the Stamp had too much of a load on it at that point and was not outputting proper voltages.  Even disconnecting extraneous LED's did not help at this point, and that is when I decided it was time to start fresh, designing the new circuit ahead of time, this time using buffers everywhere I could.

    I did manage to reuse the same box, but it was such a tight fit with the extra chips and 25 pin wire connector that I had to modify it so that one of the poles is now coming out the opposite side.  It actually makes more sense this way, since now the MIDI jacks are in the back, more hidden, and the audience can see the flashing 3bit lights better.  The lights are not very intuitive for the performer anyway, but make for a nice light show as the sliders go up and down the poles.  The lights are more for troubleshooting and for setting the threshold on the sliders which are now fitted with 10k variable resistors, accessible with a small flathead screwdriver.

    When I get around to making new sliders, one vast improvement will be to run the +9v signal to the sliders instead of +5 volts, so that the voltage difference between high and low will be larger (closer to +5v and 0v).  As it is now, if the photoresisters catch the full reflection of the LED's against the white paper on the pole, the output control signal is only a maximum of approximately 2 volts, and at minium, approximately .7 volts.  These are dangerously close to the thresholds for both high and low of the buffers that the signals are now running through. Before I implemented the buffers, it wasn't as close since I was just relying on the Stamps threshold of 1.5 volts (higher than 1.5 is considered a high signal, and lower than 1.5 is a low signal).

    The seven segment display and accompanying button (yes, one increment button) has not been impemented yet, but will eventually allow me to scroll through 10 preset programs.  This could be used to store different presets, or several different sections for one piece, etc.  Also not implemented yet is the sustain pedal, which will be very simple because it is just a normally open switch.  MIDI in will also be implemented soon, although I'm not entirely sure what I will be using it for.  I'm sure there must be some useful things I could do with a MIDI input signal, and think it is worth giving up one pin for.  All of the pins except one were already used with the old design, including 6 of them being used only to light LED's.  This was a waste of pins, so now the LED's are getting their signals elsewhere, and the 6 pins are being put to much better use (3 outs for a 7seg display, an increment button, sustain, and a MIDI input).  The previously unused pin is now being used for the control pedal.

    Another slight improvement to the design is the fact that the wires from the circuit board all go to one 25 pin jack, as do the wires on the lid of the Chaos Controller.  This way, it is much easier to unplug the board and do any repairs or improvements.  It was very hard with the old design to see the back of the board well enough to do any soldering.  Quite a few of the ground connections and bridges are on the back of the board now which contribute to neatness and clarity.  Also, this time I've used THICK wire for power and ground, and much smaller, less cumbersome wires for the control signals, bent at right angles around the chips and components.

    The new control pedal is working fine as a tempo control.  It could also be used to control velocity or volume, or really anything I choose.  For my performance "Neural Net" for Tom Beyer's ensemble class, I used the pedal to control three preset tempos - slow, medium, and fast - a strange concept, but it worked out well.  I can also control tempo somewhat by simply pressing the red button on the chaos slider for each note.  At this point, the duration of the note is controlled by the tempo.  The dynamic and tempo control is klunky, however, enough to allow a fairly expressive musical performance.

    Following are examples of code that I wrote during the learning process, with comments and explanations.  PBasic code is in yellow, and C code is in green.  Additional explanations are in white and red.

Below is the latest version of the software that is loaded into the Basic Stamp for the Chaos Controller.  Comments are preceded by a asterisk ( ' ).

'Chaos Controller, by Elaine Walker 2000

'This program is currently loaded into the Chaos Controller.


'-----------DATA FROM SLIDERS------------
input 0      'START button (starts the music)
input 1      'SEED button (sets seed value)

input 8      'photoresistor LSB (chaos value)
input 9      'photoresistor vld
input 10     'photoresistor MSB

input 11     'photoresistors for SLIDER 2 (seed value)
input 12
input 13

'-------------LIGHTS ON BOX--------------
output 7     'light indicator on box for SLIDER 1
output 6     'light indicator
output 5     'light indicator

output 4     'same for SLIDER 2 indicator lights
output 3
output 2

'--------------MIDI OUT PORT-------------
output 14    'serial out for MIDI

'-------------READ GREY CODE-------------
n var nib          'reads chaos slider 3bit grey code
code var nib       'puts code in the right order, 0 through 7
m var nib          'reads seed slider 3bit grey code
mcode var nib      'puts code in the right order, 0 through 7
hibits var word
medbits1 var word
medbits2 var word
product var word

'---------------MIDI CHAOS---------------
seed var word
chaos var word
noteout var byte
seedsquared var word
tempo var word
pedal var word
'duration var byte
'velocity var byte

seed = 45875
chaos =  55000
chaos = chaos - 32768
'=================================BLINK LIGHTS AT STARTUP================================
 pause 1000
 pause 200
 pause 200
 pause 200
 pause 200
 pause 200
 pause 200
 pause 200
 pause 500

'===================WAIT FOR PLAYER TO PRESS BUTTON ON VERTICAL SLIDER===================

 high 15
 pause 1
 rctime 15, 1, pedal
 pedal = pedal/150
 lookup pedal, [1000, 250, 250, 75], tempo

 IF in1=1 THEN main
 IF in0=1 THEN resetseedpaused

goto waitforstart

'==============================READ DATA FROM CHAOS SLIDER================================

 IF in1=0 THEN waitforstart

 n = (in8) + (in9 * 2) + (in10 * 4)                     'read inputs 8,9,10 for chaos
 lookup n, [50000, 62259, 60000, 56000, 62000, 59000, 55000, 58000], chaos
 chaos = chaos - 32768   'ABOVE ARE PRESET CHAOS VALUES

 IF in0=1 THEN resetseed



if(seed<32768) then negativeseed  'if seed is negative... (below 32768)

 seed = seed - 32768                                    'make seed range 0 to 32768 (0 to 2, absolute value)
                                                        'however, the seed never exceedes the range of 0 to 1
                                                        'which is 1 to 16384 at this point
                                                        'the sign doesn't matter, since seed gets squared
 goto keepgoing
 seed = 32768 - seed

 hibits = (seed/128) * (seed/128)                       'high bits * high bits +
 medbits1 = ((seed*128)/256) * (seed/128)               'low  bits * high bits +
 medbits2 = (seed/128) * ((seed*128)/256)               'high bits * low  bits +
 seedsquared = hibits + (medbits1/256) + (medbits2/256)

'-----------------------MULTIPLY CHAOS * SEED SQUARED---------------------------

 hibits = (chaos/128) * (seedsquared/128)               'high bits * high bits +
 medbits1 = ((chaos*128)/256) * (seedsquared/128)       'low  bits * high bits +
 medbits2 = (chaos/128) * ((seedsquared*128)/256)       'high bits * low  bits +
 product = hibits + (medbits1/256) + (medbits2/256)

'---------------------- 1 - rx^2 ------ (rx^2 is "product") ------------------

 seed = 49152 - product                                 '1-rx^2
                                                        '49152 is 1 now instead of 16384 to make 0 = 32000
                                                        'so that negative numbers can be represented

'--------------------------------MIDI OUTPUT--------------------------------------

 noteout = seed / 744                                   'put in range of 88 note keyboard

 serout 14, 12, [144, noteout, 120]                     'play MIDI notes
 pause tempo
 serout 14, 12, [128, noteout, 0]
 pause 1

'debug ?tempo

goto main


 m = (in11) + (in12 * 2) + (in13 * 4)                   'read inputs 11,12,13 for seed value
 lookdown n, [0,1,3,2,6,4,5,7], mcode                   '[000, 001, 011, 010, 110, 100, 101, 111]

 seed = mcode * 4681 + 16384                            'scale seed to be -1 to 1, which is 16384 to 49152

''''' seed = 45875                                      'TEMPORARY PRESET SEED VALUE

goto continue


 m = (in11) + (in12 * 2) + (in13 * 4)                   'read inputs 11,12,13 for seed value
 lookdown n, [0,1,3,2,6,4,5,7], mcode                   '[000, 001, 011, 010, 110, 100, 101, 111]

 seed = mcode * 4681 + 16384                            'scale seed to be -1 to 1, which is 16384 to 49152

''''' seed = 45875                                      'TEMPORARY PRESET SEED VALUE

goto waitforstart

    Next, I have included exerpts from C and Basic Stamp programs to show the evolution of my learning process, as I attempted to figure out how to do floating point math with 16 bit (the largest possible variable in PBasic) positive unsigned integers.  I know there are ways to link more than one variable, and to do the math at the highest possible resolution, one bit at a time, but this semester I eventually settled on doing the multiplication 7 bits at at time, and it works.  I am hearing melodies that are very similar to the ones produced in my MAX patch.  The process below was also a way to learn a little bit of C compiling and get somewhat comfortable going back and forth between C and BASIC, emmulating one with the other.

Below is the original program I had typed in, just to get some notes happening, although it was producing some crazy values for obvious reasons.

Original Program

BASIC does not do floating point math, and only uses positive unsigned integers, so the following example does not work out at all.  The biggest variable possible is a 16 bit word.  The numbers get huge and then become modulo 16 bit (%65535).  Some nice melodies result, but it does not resemble the patterns of 1-rx^2.

seed var word
chaos var byte
noteout var byte

seed = 1
chaos = 0

seed = 1 - chaos * seed * seed              '1 - rx^2

Next are some attempts to emmulate in C what my PBasic program was doing so that I could figure out what was really going on with the math, and find the best way to go about doing the floating point math in PBasic.

First, I emmulated the positive integer math in C by specifying that the variables are positive 16 bit integers.

unsigned int seed;
unsigned short chaos, noteout;
unsigned short n, code;


seed = 1 - chaos * (seed)^2;
noteout = seed/512;

printf("%d    ",noteout);


erika: {18} ./chaos
65535    0    65535    5    65496    274    63613    13454    36887    3932    3
8006    61636    27299    5510    26960    7884    10341    58680    47988    57
297    57669    55065    7754    11257    52266    27347    5177    29293    570
86    59148    44714    14677    28327    63852    11781    48601    53006    22
173    41394    37920    62234    23109    34840    18259    3252    42765    28
320    63898    11460    50845

Then, the same thing with signed integers, just to compare the numbers.

int seed;
short chaos, noteout;
short n, code;


seed = 1 - chaos * (seed)^2;
noteout = seed/512;

printf("%d    ",noteout);


erika: {19} ./signed_chaos
0    0    0    5    -39    274    -1922    13454    -28648    3932    -27530
-3899    27299    5511    26960    7884    10342    -6855    -17547    -8239
-7867    -10470    7754    11257    -13270    27348    5178    29293    -8450
 -6388    -20821    14677    28327    -1683    11781    -16934    -12530    2217
4    -24142    -27616    -3302    23109    -30695    18259    3253    -22771
28321    -1638    11460    -14691

Now, in C, I have taken a stab at doing some floating point math with integers.  The idea is that the values need to be scaled every time there is a proccess done, to insure the values don't overflow the 16 bit variable size (65535).

Simple floating point math

In this example I have scaled the range so that -2 to 2 is spread accross the entire possible 16 bit range of 65535.  So now, 0 to 65535 represents -2 to 2 and 32768 represents zero.  The seed value never exceedes the range of -1  to 1.

The seed value gets squared independently.  First, the absolute value is taken (the sign doesn't matter since the seed gets squared each time) and it is scaled to a 7 bit range so that the highest possible value that results will be 16384 (14 bits).

This assures that the largest possible value resulting will not exceed the 16 bit range.

float printme;
unsigned int seed, chaos, noteout, n, temp0, temp1;

/* Assume, like the BASIC Stamp, all integers are 16 bit unsigned */


 seed = 45875;   /* .8 * 16384 + 32768 */
 chaos = 62259;  /* 1.8 * 16384 + 32768 */


  temp0 = 32768 - seed;
  temp0 = seed - 32768;

 /* temp0 is now in the range of 0 to 32767; sign doesn't matter, since we're squaring */

 seedsquared = (seed/256) * (seed/256);
 seed = 49152 - (chaos/256) * (seedsquared/256);

 /* temp1 is now seed squared; note that this only works for seed <= 1.414 */

                        temp0 = chaos - 32768;

 temp0 = temp0 / 128;
 temp1 = temp1 / 128;

  seed = 49152 + (temp0 * temp1);
  seed = 49152 - (temp0 * temp1);

 printme = (seed - 32768.0) / 16384;

 printf("%d      %f\n",seed, printme);


The following two programs, one in Cand one in PBasic, both generate the same outputvalues in the 16 bit range (between 0 and 65536) as follows.  At the time this seemed like a breakthrough!

Both programs produce the exact same values in the column on the left.  The column on the right compare the scaled values with their unscaled counterpart (between -2 and 2)

This example is using presets: seed = .8 (45875) and chaos = 1.8 (62259).
(The seed value generated is always between -1 and 1 (or 0 and 49152)

16bit value, where 0 through 65536 = -2 to 2 floating point value
30522          -0.137085
48692          0.971924
21552          -0.684570
35582          0.171753
48462          0.957886
22472          -0.628418
37652          0.298096
46622          0.845581
28222          -0.277466
47082          0.873657
27072          -0.347656
45702          0.789429
30982          -0.109009
48922          0.985962
20632          -0.740723
33282          0.031372
49152          1.000000
19712          -0.796875
30522          -0.137085
48692          0.971924
21552          -0.684570
35582          0.171753
48462          0.957886
22472          -0.628418

/* C program to emulate the Basic Stamp ChaosController program. */

float printme;
unsigned int seed, chaos, noteout, n, temp0, temp1, temp2;

/* Assume, like the BASIC Stamp, all integers are 16 bit unsigned */

 /* 16 bit range is 65536, seed range is -.99 to .99, and chaos range is 0 to 1.99 */
 /* so we let 0=-2, 16384=-1, 32768=0, 49152=1, 65536=2 */

        seed = 45875;   /* .8 * 16384 + 32768 */
        chaos = 62259;  /* 1.8 * 16384 + 32768 */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                        temp0 = 32768 - seed;
                        temp0 = seed - 32768;

                /* temp0 is now in the range of 0 to 32768 (15bits); 0 to 2, absolute value */
  /* the sign doesn't matter, since seed gets squared */

                temp1 = temp0 / 128;
                temp1 = temp1 * temp1;

                /* temp1 is now seed squared, in the 0 - 256 range (8bits) */
  /* this only works for seed <= 1.414, ok since seed range is -.99 to .99 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  temp2 = 0;  /* temp2 keeps track of whether chaos is negative */

                        temp0 = 32768 - chaos;
  temp2 = 1;

                        temp0 = chaos - 32768;

                temp0 = temp0 / 128;
                temp1 = temp1 / 128;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  seed = 49152 + (temp0 * temp1);  /* 1-rx^2 */
  seed = 49152 - (temp0 * temp1);  /* 1-rx^2 */

                printme = (seed - 32768.0) / 16384;

                printf("%d      %f\n",seed, printme);


'Chaos Controller, by Elaine Walker 2000

temp0 var word
temp1 var word
seed var word
seedsquared var word
chaos var word

seed = 45875
chaos = 62259

if(seed<32768) then negativeseed          'if seed is negative... (below 32768)

positiveseed:                             'seed is put in range of 0 to 16386, representing 0 to 1
 temp0 = seed - 32768
 goto keepgoing

negativeseed:                             'absolute value is taken, seed is put in range of 0 to 16386
 temp0 = 32768 - seed                     'representing 0 to 1

 temp1 = temp0 / 128
 seedsquared = temp1 * temp1              'temp1 is now seed squared, in the 0 - 16384 range (14bits)
                                          'this only works for seed <= 1.414
                                          'ok since seed range is -1 to 1

'-------------------SCALE THE CHAOS VALUE AND DO ANOTHER ITERATION----------------------

 chaos = chaos - 32768                     'put in range of 0-32768
 chaos = chaos / 128                       'scale by square root of 65536
 seedsquared = seedsquared / 128           'temp1 is x^2, scale by square root of 65536
 seed = 49152 - (chaos * seedsquared)      '1-rx^2 where r is positive;(temp1 is x squared)

What follows are several different methods I tried in PBasic as experiments in an attempt to find the best method to use to do floating point math with 16 bit unsigned integers.  Some work and some that don't.

Another idea

1-rx^2 or 65535 - chaos * seed^2 it needs to be scaled by dividing by something like this:

65535 - ((chaostop/4) * ((seed^2)/32768))

where r = chaostop/4 and the seed is divided by 2^15 to keep it from going out of the 16 bit range.
32768 * 4 is too big so is divided into 256 * 512 and can be rewritten as (rx^2)/(32768 * 4).

seed var word
chaos var word
noteout var byte
chaostop var byte

seed = 40000
chaostop = 4


if(seed<32767) then negativeseed                 'if seed is negative... (below 32768)

 temp0 = seed - 32767

 goto keepgoing

 temp0 = 32767 - seed


seed = 65535 - (chaostop * (seed/256) * (seed/512))

Well, it was worth a try...

chaos = chaostop/4.
The reason for this is that the vaues coming in from the chaos slider range from 0 to 7.  I am adding one and then dividing by 4 to get a range of 1/4 to 2 for the chaos value.

In this version I tried not scaling the chaos range to be 1 to 65535 instead of 1 to 2.  This was an experiment to see if the chaos value is really just acting as a proportion, and perchance this was really the most accurate way to do it.  It gives the same graph, however, just on a different scale.  The seed value is in the range of 0 to 65535 in place of -1 to 1 now which gives the math better resolution.

256 = 2^8
512 = 2^9, which comes from 2^7 + 2^2 (see above)

instead of dividing by 2^15 (which is 32768 or 2^8 + 2^7) the divisor is split up into two parts (2^8, and 2^7 + 2^2) so that nothing gets out of range.  What we are really doing here is:
65536 - (r * (((x-32768)^2)/32768)).  In other words: 1-rx^2.

seed var word
chaostop var byte

seed = 45875
chaostop = 7

seed = 65535 - (chaostop * (seed/256) * (seed/512))

Higher resolution floating point math

This is (as far as I can tell) the proper way to do the floating point math.  I'm dealing with it in chunks, multiplying 7 bits at a time and then adding the pieces back together, making sure they never overflow the 16 bit variables.  I suspect that there is a way to do this with more resolution, by multiplying smaller chunks, and I will try more variations in the future.  However, with this method I finally heard the familiar fractal patterns emerging.  I could hear the familiar patterns that result from iterating "1 - rx^2", and for that reason, this was a good stopping place for the semester.  The concept of doing floating point math with integers actually seemed very simple once I got a grasp of it.  I think this concept can be taken as far as literally multiplying it out bit by bit, to get the highest possible resolution, instead of 7 bits at a time like I am doing (if I did 8 bits at a time the values would overflow.  Obviously, multiplying 7 bits at a time was not my first guess).

hibits var word
medbits1 var word
medbits2 var word
product var word
seed var word
chaos var word
seedsquared var word

seed = 45875
chaos =  55000
chaos = chaos - 32768

if(seed<32768) then negativeseed               'if seed is negative... (below 32768)

 seed = seed - 32768                           'make seed range 0 to 32768 (0 to 2, absolute value)
                                               'however, the seed never exceedes the range of 0 to 1
                                               'which is 1 to 16384 at this point
                                               'the sign doesn't matter, since seed gets squared
 goto keepgoing

 seed = 32768 - seed

 hibits = (seed/128) * (seed/128)                              'high bits * high bits +
 medbits1 = ((seed*128)/256) * (seed/128)                      'low  bits * high bits +
 medbits2 = (seed/128) * ((seed*128)/256)                      'high bits * low  bits +
 seedsquared = hibits + (medbits1/256) + (medbits2/256)

'-----------------------MULTIPLY CHAOS * SEED SQUARED---------------------------

 hibits = (chaos/128) * (seedsquared/128)                      'high bits * high bits +
 medbits1 = ((chaos*128)/256) * (seedsquared/128)              'low  bits * high bits +
 medbits2 = (chaos/128) * ((seedsquared*128)/256)              'high bits * low  bits +
 product = hibits + (medbits1/256) + (medbits2/256)

'---------------------- 1 - rx^2 ------ (rx^2 is "product") ------------------

 seed = 49152 - product                             '1-rx^2
                                                    '49152 is 1 now instead of 16384 to make 0 = 32000
                                                    'so that negative numbers can be represented