Elaine Walker
Electronic Music Experience
New York University, NYC (Fall 1999–Summer 2001)
Master of Music/Music Technology. Thesis: Formalized a music theory based on Chaos mathematics. Designed and built a hardware MIDI controller to perform chaos music, and separate software to also perform and record chaos music. Conducted extensive research on the Bohlen-Pierce Scale macrotuning. Served as Lab Manager in the Music Technology Department both years. Thesis and research: http://ziaspace.com/academic/research
Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA (Fall 1986–Spr 1987, Fall 1989–Spr 1991)
Bachelors in Music Synthesis Production. Thesis: Three original songs featuring advanced technology and microtonal scales. Served as a lab monitor in the electronic percussion labs through the workstudy program. Received a $500 Music Technology Production award.
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM (Fall 1985–Spring 1986, Spring 1989)
Major in Music. Studied Electronic Music with Dr Warner Hutchinson. Spring 1986 was spent in London on an NMSU interdisciplinary exchange program led by the Electronic Music Instructor. The focus that Spring was on British Music and Culture.
Vertical Keyboards (Mar 2010–present)
Design, Manufacture Vertical Keyboards and other unique performance keyboards. http://VerticalKeyboards.com
Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale, AZ (Jan 2015–Dec 2016)
Director of the Electronic Music and DJ Programs (since Spring 2016). Adjunct Instructor, Electronic Music I (MTC191), Electronic Music II (MTC192), Computer Based Sound Synthesis (MTC193), Electronic Music III (MTC291). Dr. Christina Novak, Dept. Head. http://ziaspace.com/academic
Sanford-Brown College, Henderson, NV (Sept 2013–Dec 2014)
Adjunct Instructor. Music Concepts (Audio101), Advanced Keyboards (Audio150), Songwriting (Audio 301), Music Design and Synthesis (Audio 235), Advanced Synthesis and MIDI (Audio 335). Thomas Jordan, Audio Production Lead Instructor.
Collins College, Audio Production Program, Phoenix, AZ (June 2011–Aug 2013)
Adjunct Instructor, Music Concepts (Audio101), Audio Production (DV220), and Music Design and Synthesis (AUDIO 235). Ryan Noble, Program Chair.
Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale, AZ (Aug 2007–May 2013)
Adjunct Instructor. Designed the curriculum including handouts, lectures and lesson plans. Electronic Music I (MTC191), Electronic Music II (MTC192), Computer Based Sound Synthesis (MTC193), Electronic Music III (MTC291). Dr. Novak, Program Chair, 480-423-6327. Ron Marschall, Audio Director
Music Editor for Pokemon and GogoRiki cartoons, 4Kids Ent, NYC | Jul 2002–Nov 2009
One of two music editors for the American Pokemon TV series. 208 episodes of the American version of the Russian series GogoRiki, aimed at children of 3 to 8 years. Supervisor: Mike Brady, 53 West 23rd Street, New York, NY
Composer, BlueZia Productions, NYC (July 2001–Aug 2003)
Composed music for aerospace videos, science TV programming and planetariums.
Chief Lab Monitor, New York University, Music Technology Dept (Fall 1999–Sum 2001)
Hired, scheduled, trained, and supervised Lab Monitor crew. Created and maintained both an extensive equipment inventory database and a student lab-time and equipment tracking database. Ran weekly meetings. Supervisor: Tom Beyer
Lab Monitor, Berklee College of Music, Synthesis Department (May 1991–Aug 1999)
Technology supervisor and tutor for students during lab-time. Created and maintained an extensive equipment inventory database. Supervisor: Chris Hull
Other Experience
Compose, mix, produce and perform original music (1986–Present)Discography: http://ziaspace.com/music
Band leader for all-electronic microtonal pop band, ZIA (1992–present)
Built novel MIDI controllers for performances. Composed, produced and performed in ZIA.
Superintendent, Boston Sound Museum band rehearsal complex (Oct 1991–Oct 1998)
Maintenance of a large band rehearsal complex. Contact: Bill Desomond 617-423-4959.
President of the Boston & NYC Chapters of the National Space Society (April 1997–March 2003)
Recruited monthly lecturers, introduced meetings and coordinated public outreach.