Elaine Walker
Continuing on the microtonal trajectory of ZIA, I now compose only in microtonal scales, and primarily with software synths (as opposed to ZIA which was all hardware synths, which have a different sound). I may or may not add vocals in the future, but for now am enjoying releasing instrumentals, which I what I prefer to listen to myself. It's great study music, thinking music, and background music when you're reading my book. Enjoy!Have the best listening experience on bandcamp. These albums are also on Spotify!
Founded by Elaine Walker, ZIA was an exclusively electronic band who began performing on the East Coast in 1992. ZIA banged out pro-space and sci-fi music on futuristic instruments. All of the synths were triggered live with drum sticks. Microtonal musical scales run rampant throughout the ZIA repertoire. In the pop genre this is a monumental task which adds a futuristic and otherworldly flavor to the songs. ZIA no longer does live shows, but Elaine releases her own solo albums now.press | interviews | youtube
Have the best listening experience on bandcamp.
D.D.T. was a hardcore aggro-industrial electronic act that was together in Boston from the late 1980's until the mid 1990's. Noel McKenna did drum programming and vocals, Lisa Sirois did (8 bit!) samples and some vocals, and Elaine Walker (who joined in late 1991) did synth programming. Note that every song is micro/macrotonal except Blessed. This adds a futuristic and other-worldly edge to the music. Elaine joined D.D.T. at the same time she was forming ZIA. The first ZIA lineup consisted of Noel McKenna and Lisa Sirois of D.D.T. Where are they now? Noel became a Buddhist Monk in upstate New York and Lisa is DJ Goldilox in San Francisco.Have the best listening experience on bandcamp.
Pro-Space Lounge
Elaine wrote the following music for the pro-space community (now referred to as new space), and performed it at many space conventions in the late 90s and early 2000's.Frontier Creatures: This is the music Elaine first performed at space conferences starting in 1999.
MARS: Inspired by the Mars Institute and the Mars Society, Elaine wrote a full album about humans on Mars. Lyrics on Red Dreams by Peter Diamandis of the Prize.
Space Elevator Music: Relaxing instrumental music for your extremely long elevator ride into space.
Hiten: This song is dedicated to the 1991 Hiten Japanese Lunar spacecraft that used Dr. Ed Belbruno's chaos orbits (WSBT). The Art: "Route to the Moon", oil on canvas, by Ed Belbruno. The Poem: "The Navigators" by Keith Gottschalk, South Africa.
Number Sine
“Mars meets Venus. A boy meets a girl. A comet from space crashed into a lonely guitar.” Number Sine was the collaboration of Jason Hardy [vox/guitar/songwriting] and Elaine Walker [vox/synths/beats/production]. Luke Hill provided live drum performances. Number Sine was signed to Mirage Records (a branch of Red Truck Entertainment) in 2007. Lights Out Landing became a hit on alternative radio, they played seven glorious gigs, then it suddenly came to an end.Watch the Lights Out Landing video
Have the best listening experience on bandcamp.
Elaine Walker 1980's
Schizoid Aria: During the summer of 1986, Elaine and Scott Parsons (both young teenagers at the time) created the band, Schizoid Aria. Half of the repertoire was written and sung by Scott P. and the other half by Elaine – thus the name Schizoid Aria. This album is a live performance of Elaine's songs only. It was recorded live to 3-track tape (one track was broken). Credits: Elaine Walker [vocals/keyboards/songwriting], Scott Parsons [guitar], David Kennel [bass], Frank Flint [drums]Blue Cartoon is Elaine's first exclusively solo effort with a 1980's flair (it was the 80s after all). Sequenced on a DOS computer and recorded on a four track tape recorder, it was also Elaine's first hack at recording and producing. Blue Cartoon is a “must have” novelty item for ZIA fans!
Xenharmonic Music Compilations
NextXen (2016): Next Xen is a compilation album that unshackles music from a 200 year old ball and chain – 12 notes per octave, equally spaced.Microtona DVD (2016): This contains 17 video and audio tracks (not published anywhere else), and a sixty-eight-page booklet with personal comments by the contributing microtonal artists from Iran, Japan, U.S., France, Austria, Germany and Belgium.
Other Music Compilations
These are other music compilations ZIA and D.D.T. were on.
Other Credits
These are some other bands I helped out with on their recordings. I did lots of freelance work on other people's albums, but it was so much fun working on these particular projects that I wanted to mention them.
Mixing: Elaine Walker
Mixing: Elaine Walker

Keys/Editing: Elaine Walker
Keys/Editing: Elaine Walker

Keys/Editing: Elaine Walker
Keys/Editing: Elaine Walker
Mixing: Elaine Walker
Mixing: Elaine Walker

Keys/Editing: Elaine Walker
Keys/Editing: Elaine Walker

Keys/Editing: Elaine Walker
Keys/Editing: Elaine Walker