Elaine Walker
Space Activist
Volunteer work
2003-present–Education & Public Outreach Coordinator for the Mars Institute (www.marsonearth.org)
EPO activities have included participation in 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009 and 2010 field seasons with the Haughton-Mars Project, posting photo journals, reports and videos to the Mars Institute website, and offering other support when needed. The Haughton-Mars Project (HMP) is an international interdisciplinary field research project centered on the scientific study of the Haughton impact structure and surrounding terrain, Devon Island, High Arctic, viewed as a terrestrial analog for the Mars.
2002-2003–Board of Director service for Space Frontier Foundation and National Space Society
Served on the Board of Directors of the two non profit organizations simultaneously (www.spacefrontierfoundation.org, www.nss.org).
March 2000-October 2003–President of the New York City Chapter of the NSS (www.nssnyc.org)
Resurrected dormant NYC Chapter of the National Space Society, including a monthly lecture series at NYU. Co-sponsored local events with the Hayden Planetarium, the U.N., the Intrepid Air & Space Museum, movie theaters, local Boy & Girl Scouts, and AAA. The chapter ran a newsletter called New York City Space. The chapter had over 50 paid members at a $20 yearly rate and is still going strong.
1998-2005–Region 8 Chapter Organizer, NSS
Was responsible for organization and oversight of local National Space Society chapters in Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut and New Jersey.
April 1996-September 1999–President of the Boston Chapter of the National Space Society
Organized a monthly lecture series at MIT and other specialized lectures. Represented the Boston chapter at several local space-themed events, including displays at local movie theaters during screenings of several space-themed movies booths at air shows and co-sponsored events with the Boston Science Museum. Promoted SpaceViews chapter newsletter at events, recruiting over 1000 new subscribers.
1999-present–Pro-Space Events Attended
Performed, served on panel discussion, ran audio or volunteered to some capacity at most of these attended events: Space Access Society Conference (2000-2009), ISDC (1999-2001), The Space Tourism Conference, DC (2000-2001), Lunar Development Conference (2000/2002), Mars Society Conference (2000/2002), Space Frontier Foundation Conference (2000/2002/2005/2006), Mars Week M.I.T. (2000/2002), the Arthur C. Clarke Gala (2001), all XPrize flights and XPrize Cups, Space & Robotics Conference, Albuquerque (2002), UP Aerospace launch of sounding rocket and Celestis Memorial Spaceflight Ceremony at Spaceport America, NM (2007)
March 2000–Political outreach
Attended ProSpace's March Storm. Met with other activists in Bluebell, PA, and talked to John McCain about humans on Mars at a rally for Senator Greenleaf.
January 2002–Organized "Humans-in-Space" Session
Extropy Institute conference, NYC (www.Extropy.org).
November 18-19, 2001–"Dreams of Space Travel: Past Present, and Future"
Two nights in the Hayden Planetarium, NYC (plus special VIP party) commemorating the 50th anniversary of the original 1951 Space Symposium held at the Hayden Planetarium, and critique of the vision of space put forth in the film "2001: A Space Odyssey". Personally invited guests, Kier Dullea and Leonard David. Co-sponsored by NSS/NYC, the Hayden Planetarium, the Planetary Society, the United Nations and the Intrepid SeaAirSpace Museum.
November 17, 2001–Organized two film screenings of "2001: A Space Odyssey" on the Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum
Co-sponsored by NSS/NYC, the Intrepid SeaAirSpace Museum, and the Hayden Planetarium. Shown in the Allison & Howard Lutnick Theatre.
June 9, 2001–Space Jamboree co-organized by NSS/NYC and Eatontown, NJ Boy Scout troops
Gave many talks throughout the day, organized volunteers to give talks and help with model rocket construction.
March 19, 2001–Organized and hosted a Free Screening of "The Dish" at the Village East Cinemas in Manhattan
Sponsored by NSS/NYC and Warner Brothers Pictures.
Space music releases and performances
1999-present–Singer and performer at space conventions
Noted Performances: Solo performance at the main banquet for the "Return to the Moon" Conferences (July 2000/2001 Vegas, 2002 Houston), the Mars Society Convention (August 2000 Toronto, 2001 Stanford). Hospitality suite performances at Space Access Society Conference (April 2000 - 2002 Phoenix), ISDC (May 1999 Houston with ZIA, 2000 Tucson, 2001 Albuquerque), Space Tourism Conference, (June 2000/2001 DC), Space Frontier Foundation Conference (September 2000 - 2002), Mars Week M.I.T. (2000 - 2002 Boston). Solo CDs inspired by space convention performances: MARS, Frontier Creatures, Space Elevator Music and Space Dancer.
1992-present–Songwriter, band leader and performer for pro-space pop band, ZIA
ZIA performs space-themed music at various venues, promoting human space exploration to a diverse audience.
Noted Performances: April 12, 2001 at M.I.T. for "Yuri's Night: The World Space Party", main banquet for "ISDC 1999" in Houston, performed and interviewed on "Cosmic Visions" hosted by SpaceWatch.com (August 2001). CDs to date: Martians (2006), Big Bang (2000), SHEM (1995/6), ZiaV1.5 (1992)
TV & internet broadcast
2002-2003–Consultant for "Maximum Science" and "Mission: Space" Magrack TV shows in NYC
Suggested speakers, panels & topics. Explained in-depth state of the industry and the pro-space community.
Advised on the best angles off attack for the show. Served as go-between contact to space industry and pro-space community.
March, 2002–Appeared on "Around Space" with Donnie Lowther co-Producer/Director
Live on Fairfax Public Access Channel 10 for two different shows.
August, 2001–Appeared on “Cosmic Visions" hosted by SpaceWatch.com
15 minute Space-related interview. Videotaped performance of pro-space-pop band, ZIA at the Continental club in Manhattan.
August, 2000–Appeard on “Astronomy Forum" with hosts Pat Brady and Professor Irv Robbins
Live on Staten Island cable TV with Paul Contoursi (Mars Society NYC president) and Tom Olson (Mars Society member).
Fall 1991-present–Have also appeared on dozens of music-related TV shows, interviews and panels
Topics almost always include human space exploration, the private space sector, life extension and the Big Bang theory.
May, 2001–National Space Society "Space Pioneer Award" for "Activist of the Year 2001"
May, 2001–NSS "Space Merit Award" for "Most Improved Chapter" (NSS of NYC) 2001